
Movie: Hanna (2011)
Studio : Focus Features/Sony
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 111 min
Website : hannathemovie.com
Rating : PG-13
Trailer :
Hanna (Saoirse Ronan) is a 16 year old who grew up unlike any other teenager in North Finland. She was trained by her father, including homeschooling, as not a carefree lady interested in shopping and boys, but as an assassin that he needs for a secret mission. Ex-CIA, her dad (Erik Bana) is bent on making sure she reaches her goal. But there are those in the intelligence agency that wish to see her stopped at all cost, led by Marissa (Cate Blanchett), who has a goal of her own. The girl must fight her way through Europe, avoiding those out to get her, in order to be successful and fulfill her father’s wishes. Read more…
Action, Adventure, Drama, In Theaters, Thriller
Action, Adventure, cate blanchett, Drama, erik bana, hanna, pg13, saoirse ronan, sony, Thriller

Movie: Arthur (2011)
Studio : Warner Brothers
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 110 min
Website : arthurthemovie.warnerbros.com
Rating : PG
Trailer :
Arthur is a reboot of the 1981 film starring Dudley Moore and in any reboot, there has to be comparisons between the two. In short, Moore’s portrayal of the rich socialite, but always drunk playboy was an incredible role for him. He played it to the tee, treading that fine line between comedy and drama. It was no doubt his greatest role and Arthur was one of the most beloved films around.
So to have it brought back with someone else is bound to raise the ire of reviewers and we will admit that we are one of those. If this had been a different story, or perhaps even the same type of story with a different name, we might be far less judgmental, but you don’t remake a classic, twisting it around, and expect those who watch it not to compare it. Read more…
Comedy, In Theaters, Romance
2011, arthur, charlie sheen, dudley moore, jennifer garner, nick nolte, pg, russell brand, warner brothers
Soul Surfer

Movie: Soul Surfer (2011)
Studio : Sony Pictures
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 106 min
Website : soulsurferthemovie.com/
Rating : PG
Trailer :
Soul Surfer tells the amazing true story of a brave young lady who overcame incredible odds to continue her dream of being a championship surfer.
Bethany Hamilton was quite a child prodigy of the waves. By 13, she’d already won championships in the sport, gained a sponsor (Rip Curl) and began competing on the professional circuit. It seemed that she was headed for a fantastic career. But tragedy struck when a tiger shark attacked her during a morning surf, ripping off her left arm. The injury left her having to relearn just about everything she did and in most people, it would have spelled the end of her watery goal and lifestyle. But encouraged by her father, a surfer dude himself, she learned not only to live with a single upper appendage, but to reclaim her place on the board. Read more…
Action, Documentary, Drama, Family, In Theaters
annasophia robb, bethany hamilton, craig t nelson, dennis quaid, helen hunt, pg, sony, soul surfer
Your Highness

Movie: Your Highness (2011)
Studio : Universal
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 102 min
Website : yourhighnessmovie.net
Rating : R
Trailer :
In an age long ago, two brothers (Danny McBride, James Franco) lived in the castle of a kingdom on the verge of destruction. But even with the problems, Fabious (Franco) is going to wed the beautiful BellaDonna (Zooey Deschanel). But before their marriage can proceed, she is kidnapped by the evil and powerful wizard Leezar (Justin Thereox), which fancies her for himself, thus depriving the kingdom and her husband-to-be of the wedding. Fabious, who is brave and courageous, not to mention experienced at this sort of thing decides to take out after her, but the king realizes it’s really a job for two and tells the lazy, womanizing, beer swilling brother Thaddeus (McBride) that he must accompany his sibling on the quest or face the consequences of banishment. Given know choice, Thaddeus agrees and they start out, with servant in tow. Read more…
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, In Theaters
Danny McBride, james franco, Justin Thereox, natalie portman, your highness