The Road

The Road
Movie: The Road(2009)
Studio : 2929 Productions
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 111 min
Website : The Road
Trailer :
Based on Cormac McCarthy’s acclaimed novel, The Road speaks like a Hemingway story. Our hero is a nameless father with a nameless son. In a world where the end finally happened and recovery never came after almost, if not over, a decade; what hope is there left? Almost as though it was defying 2012, which inherently believes in the goodness of everyone, The Road questions if people have any form of morality left.
The two travel to the sea, not so much because there is sanctuary down there as much as it is the final hopeful request of a wife and mother who committed suicide. The only other thing they can carry is the belief that “they are the good guys” and that they will not succumb to the animalistic urges of cannibalism to stifle the consistent hunger and cold.
Visually, the world is dreary, bleak, and lifeless: appropriate for this world. Forests are nothing more than fields of dead timber that crash with a simple tremor, fields are fallow, and the dead rest in nooses or in piles of fully-devoured feasts. Even something as simple as a pack of crayons seems to offer tones mostly in monochrome-inflected stains. In contrast, vivid memories from the father come around that are gorgeous with life.
The acting is great throughout (a special nod to Michael K. Williams for stealing one scene exceptionally well), and even the makeup team seemed to be phenomenal by making well-recognized actors like Redford and Mortenson appear alien from who they actually are. It took me several screenings to finally recognize some of them and even now I still find it difficult to see how they pulled it off.
With a story and execution that stands up as one of the best I’ve seen, this is hands-down one of my favorites for this year. Kudos to John Hillcoat, whom I will be crossing my fingers for next to Peter Docter and Lee Daniels come February.
-Donald Lee