Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Movie: Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)
Studio : 20th Century Fox
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 105 min
Website : apeswillrise.com
Rating : PG-13
Trailer : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xka21g
In the prequel to Planet of the Apes, this film endeavors to reveal how man gave up it’s supremacy in the future to the intelligent apes that it created. In modern day San Francisco, Will Rodman (James Franco) is doing experiments on genetic engineering for the good of Alzheimer’s patients, which his father (John Lithgow) suffers from. But the serum he thinks is the answer has profound effects on the ape they test it on, making him as smart, if not smarter than humans, and able to speak. Enthused, he believes the same will happen in humans, but the genetic differences cause it to have a terrible effect on people, making them sick and die. Determined not to give up, he continues his work for years. But at one point, has to give up the creature who has become his confidante. The ape is taken to a primate reserve, where he uses his new found intelligence to train an army of his fellow apes, with the purpose of getting revenge for how animals and apes have been treated. Read more…
Action, Adventure, Drama, In Theaters
andy serkis, brian cox, frieda pinto, james franco, john lithgow, pg13, planet of the apes, sci-fi, tom felton
The Change-Up

Movie: The Change-Up (2011)
Studio : Universal
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 112 min
Website : thechangeupmovie.com
Rating : R
Trailer : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xj62sh
In this more mature version of Freaky Friday, two best friends from long ago pee in the same fountain when reunited. But it’s not just any old fountain. It’s a wishing fountain and they both make a wish that they had the other’s lives. Of course, it comes true and Dave (Jason Bateman) and Mitch (Ryan Reynolds) switch bodies. For Mitch, it’s a terrible deal. He has always been the irresponsible care free type who is only partially employed and loving his single life. And now he’s saddled with Bateman’s wife and three kids. For Dave, on the other hand, he gets to forego all of his responsibilities and try to enjoy life as a single man. The only problem is he hasn’t been single in a long time and the world outside is not what he remembered from his younger days. And so they both find out that the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fountain. They must then find a way to switch back and restore everything to normal before it’s too late. Read more…
Comedy, In Theaters
alan arkin, jason bateman, leslie mann, olivia wilde, r, ryan reynolds, universal
Life In A Day

Movie: Life In A Day (2011)
Studio : National Geographic
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 90 min
Website : Facebook
Rating : PG-13
Trailer : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xhw8y6
Imagine what life is like in one day. That is what this film does through the submissions of people from around the world, all on June 24th, 2010. Produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Kevin McDonald, this project, in cooperation with YouTube and National Geographic sets out to document 24 hours on our shining blue planet. 80,000 submissions were sent in from all areas of the globe. They even gave cameras to people who didn’t even have such technologies so that they could be included in this tribute. And in the end, they looked at 4,500 hours of video and selected 350 portions of those for just over 90 minutes of on screen film. It was quite a feat just narrowing it down. Read more…
Documentary, In Theaters, Limited
kevin mcdonald, life in a day, national geographic, ridley scott, youtube
Captain America

Movie: Captain America (2011)
Studio : Marvel Studios
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 125 min
Website : captainamerica.marvel.com
Rating : PG13
Trailer : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xhsd50
In the early days, Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) just wanted to get into the military to fight for his country, but was deemed unfit to serve. It was then that he decided to volunteer for a program that needed a recruit for an experiment to turn an ordinary Joe into a lean, green fighting machine, one that would proudly defend the US. And so Captain America was born and his first mission is to stop the evil organization HYDRA run by the Red Skull, a menacing Nazi influenced villain. But the good captain is not alone. He has Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) and Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) at his side. Will he be able to triumph against his enemy? Read more…
Action, Adventure, Fantasy, In Theaters, Sci-Fi
captain america, chris evans, comics, hayley atwell, marvel, pg13, samuel l. jackson, sebastian stan, tommy lee jones