Horrible Bosses

Movie: Horrible Bosses (2011)
Studio : New Line Cinema
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 100 min
Website : horriblebossesmovie.com
Rating : R
Trailer :
In a plot reminiscent of 9 to 5, Nick (Jason Bateman), Dale (Charlie Day) and Kurt (Jason Sudeikis) all work for different bosses (Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Aniston and Colin Ferrell) which they can’t stand. Actually, that’s an understatement. They want to see them killed rather than work with them another day. There is only one problem. How to do it and not get caught? What started as a joke winds up turning into a full fledged plan to get rid of their employers who are standing in their way. Read more…
Comedy, In Theaters
charlie day, colin ferrell, jason bateman, jason sudeikis, jennifer aniston, Kevin Spacey, new line cinema, r
Larry Crowne

Movie: Larry Crowne (2011)
Studio : Universal Pictures
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 99 min
Website : larrycrowne.com
Rating : PG-13
Trailer :
Larry Crowne (Tom Hanks) is a Navy veteran who winds up being employee of the month at a large retail outlet after his military stint, where he works with those much younger than himself. But when he’s laid off due to downsizing, he decides to take a friend’s advice and go back to earn the college degree he never got. But his time in retail makes him sort of the cool guy that is still young at heart even if he’s older in appearance. And that gets the attention of a fellow student (Roxana Ortega) who invites him to join her scooter gang, much to the chagrin of her boyfriend (Wilmer Valderrama). But Larry has other plans when he develops an interest in a disillusioned professor (Julia Roberts) that teaches a speech course. Read more…
Comedy, Drama, In Theaters, Romance
george takei, julia roberts, larry crowne, pg13, roxana ortega, Tom Hanks, universal, wilmer valderrama
Transformers 3

Movie: Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
Studio : Paramount Pictures
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 157 min
Website : transformersmovie.com
Rating : PG-13
Trailer :
During the moon missions in the 1960’s, the crew discovered the remains of a Cybertron ship called the Ark that had crashed while transporting a powerful new technology that could be used to save them all. When Optimum Prime discovers that he was lied to about the discovery, knowing full well what was in the cargo, he decides to take matters into his own team’s hands and plots to get it back with the help of some old and new friends. But the Decepticons are also aware of it and the two are in a race to see who can get its secrets first. Read more…
Action, In Theaters, War
3D, alan tudyk, charles adler, hugo weaving, jess harnell, john malkovich, josh duhamel, leonard nimoy, paramount pictures, patrick dempsey, peter cullen, pg13, shia labeauf, transformers
Conan O'Brien Can't Stop

Movie: Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop (2011)
Studio : Pariah
Info : Click Here
Runtime : 89 min
Website : conanobriencantstop.com
Rating : R
Trailer :
I’m sure you all remember the great debate over the ouster of Conan O’Brien on the Tonight Show after he refused to make way for Jay Leno to return to 11:35pm on NBC. When he had given up his position as host, his contract stated that he could not compete on TV for six months. And so he did a series of concerts called the “Legally Prohibited From Being Funny on TV Tour” and unlike Charlie Sheen, gained a bigger audience in the process and was very, very funny. This film is a documentary about what was going on during that time, with candid interviews and a look at the performer, his techniques, and his life. Read more…
Comedy, Documentary, In Theaters
charlie sheen, conan o'brien, concert, Documentary, pariah, r