Paul Blart – Mall Cop – Family Comedy Movie

Paul Blart: Mall Cop - Keven James
Movie: Paul Blart: Mall Cop (2009)
Studio: Columbia Pictures
Info: Click Here
Runtime: 91min
Review :
Paul Blart: Mall Cop was a good movie. I want to start off my saying that the movie for this trailer had really made me turn my back to this movie. But once again I ended up seeing it and completely I completely regret the fact that I didn’t want to see it before. Not to mention Kevin James is a great actor with any role he plays, and he definitely played this one up to par.
This movie really did feel like a slapstick comedy but it turned out to be more family suggested. I’d say it is definitely a great movie for kids ages 6-13! But this movie didn’t give much room for the adults to enjoy a more mature humor. I did like the beginning introduction to the movie and the entire story line; it was just some scenes I believe would’ve been better off left out of the theatrical version of the film.
Some scenes get really extensive and just flat out, isn’t funny. For example: [SPOILER ALERT] Paul’s excessive drinking scene gets really long and his dancing around on the tables wasn’t that funny. Also the statement “I don’t drink,” was overused and was not funny nor a lead to something funny.
I wish I wouldn’t have paid for the price of the movie ticket, and I don’t suggest it either. Unless you are taking children primarily to see this movie then I wouldn’t bother paying price. The movie, once again, isn’t my in my selection for purchasing the DVD unless I had a few children. A rental is definitely going to happen because I may rethink my decision, but for now I will ponder the thought of seeing this movie twice.
– Trent M.